Below are videos and audio recordings of some of my presentations and interviews:
- Contributing to the OEB23 debate on “This house believes that the widespread implemetation of AI in learning will do more harm than good” #oeb23 #berlin, on 23 November 2023.
- Short preview of my contribution to the Global Conclave on Education in Dubai on 19 February 2023
- Walking with the Slow – a video of my contribution to the ITCILO book Slow Learning, 23 December 2022
- iamtheCODE podcast Season 6, Episode 3 – Mariéme Jamme in conversation with Tim Unwin: Decoding the Sustainable Development Goals, 25 February 2022
- Disruptive talk: “Education and learning for the most marginalised post-COVID-19: the role of digital technologies”, Global Dream D-Talks on Foundational Learning, India, 27July 2021.
- Speaking at Learning Planet Assembly 2021 Opening Plenary on Learning for Sustainability, 1st July
- Interviewed by Andrew Hammond, Chaplain of St. John’s College, Cambridge, on what really matters, or why I am so driven, 3rd June
- Answering questions from Natalia Robinson about why Liz Quaglia and I founded TEQtogether to change men’s perceptions about women and digital tech, March 2021
- Presentation to on the use of Digital Tech in Education for the Most Marginalised for the Department of Psychology at International Islamic University Islamabad, 17 February 2021.
- Contribution to film by Ian Khan and GX GXNow: Creating Experiential Government, January 2021.
- With my good friend Hari Harindranath being interviewed in 2020 by Hussain Ayed on The Know Show about our research on digital technologies and migration, and also touching on the (ir)relevance of much academic research.
- Introduction to the Education for the Most Marginalised report: Tim Unwin (Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D and Co-Founder of TEQtogether) (video here), 18th December 2020
- Contribution to Youth IGF discussion on Misinformation: a threat to Human Rights?, 17th December 2020
- Contribution to IGF 2020 – Day 10 – WS255 Digital (In)accessibility and Universal Design, 13th November 2020
- Contribution to IGF 2020 – Day 9 – WS212 Learn from Home During COVID-19, 12th November 2020.
- Interview on 9th at ITU Telecom World 2019, mainly about the work of TEQtogether – changing men’s attitudes and behaviours to women and technology.
- For World Goverment Summit, 3 September 2019
- Great privilege to have given one of the inaugural WSIS TalkX on Thursday 11th April 2019 on why we must become the servants of the poor if we are to help empower them through digital technologies.
- Wide-ranging interview on ICT4D, digital inequality, inclusive and assistive technologies for people with disabilities, cyborgs and the future of humans with Kelsey Wilhelm for Teledifusão de Macau (TDM Canal de Macau) (27th November 2018; broadcast on 29th November 2018).
- Being interviewed at the ITU on the need for affordable access to digital technologies, and their potential for skills development (17th October 2017).
- Being interviewed by Jordi Martí Henneberg about Europe for the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, October 2016:
- Bloc 1: Els fonaments institucionals de la UE
- Bloc 2: Les polítiques de cohesió social i territorial.
- Bloc 3: La política exterior.
- Bloc 4: El desafiament del Brèxit.
- Moderating session on “Making money from meeting the SDGs” at Telecom World 2016 in Bangkok
- Speaking on Africa’s growing refugee crisis on CCTV America (20th September 2016)
- Speaking about Kenya’s economic success on CCTV America (recorded and published 1st June 2016)
- Speaking about tech startups and entrepreneurship on CCTV America (recorded and published 25th May 2016)
- DSS ITSEC 2015, speaking about cybersecurity, 22nd October 2015 (full conference video including my keynote on “The global cybersecurity agenda: privacy and trust”)
- Participating in discussion on “Covering the last 10%” at the GSMA’s Mobile World Congress, 4th March 2015.
- Keynote on “Talking with each other: can ICTs make a difference” at Dadamac’s Africa-UK Connections in Practice event held in London on 10th January 2015
- Summarising the session that I moderated at ITU’s Telecom World 2014 in Doha on the role that the ITU should be playing in the future in balancing facilitation and participation, 10th December 2014
- My contribution to the Open Development Camp in Amsterdam, 10th October 2014 (in the second half of the vimeo video)
- My welcome video (as Chair of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission) for the 2014 Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows, October 2014.
- Interviewed on Independent24 TV in Bangladesh, September 2014 – arguing that technology will increase inequalities unless we all ensure that the poorest and most marginalised have access at affordable prices.
- Speaking on the challenges of turning the rhetoric into reality after the second meeting of the ITU’s m-Powering Development Advisory Board in Geneva on 23rd May 2014
- Keynote entitled “Can ICTs really make a difference to the lives of poor people and marginalised communities?” at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on 16 May 2014 (from 4 hrs 40 minutes!)
- Seminar on “What hope for ICT4D” at Oxford Internet Institute, 11th March 2014
- Mobile World Live panel at the GSMA’s Mobile World Congress on “How to provide high-end services in emerging markets“, Barcelona, 26th February 2014
- Interview on occasion of World Radio Day, February 2014
- Speaking about the role of UNESCO Chairs at meeting of UNESCO in Paris, 23rd January 2014
- Moderating Ministerial Panel on “Education Transformation: importance of ICT in 21st century education” at ITU Telecom World 2013, Bangkok, 19th November 2013.
- Moderating the Smart Education session at Transform Africa 2013, held in Kigali on 30th October 2013
- Interview at the launch of the ITU’s m-Powering Development initiative, 15th October 2013, Geneva.
- Interview on Antigua and Barbuda’s New Media One with Minister Dr. Edmond Mansoor about my reflections on some of the exciting ongoing ICT initiatives in Antigua and Barbuda (26th September 2013).
- “Technology Revolution in Africa” – participating in the BBC World Service’s In the Balance programme first broadcast on 31st August 2013.
- “Challenges of cultural diplomacy in the Commonwealth“, a lecture for the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK, 10th July 2013.
- Participating in panel session on a free and open Internet for global inclusive growth at the Stockholm Internet Forum on 23rd May 2013
- My short welcome video for the Euromed Regional Congress 2013 (EMRC 13′) – EGEA. El Bosque, Cádiz 2013 – some of my thoughts on Geography.
- Interviewed at WCIT 2012 by Maximillian Jacobson-González, 6th December 2012
- Lecture to celebrate 25 yeas of the Omar Dengo Foundation in Costa Rica, entitled Multistakeholder Partnerships for Educational Technology: Critical Reflections, 2nd October 2012, San José, Costa Rica
- Interviewed by John Wells on Gov.2.0 Radio on the theme of Beyond the hype: Gov-tech across the Commonwealth of Nations, September 2012.
- Interview on collaboration for development on visit to AFRINIC in Mauritius, 12th June 2012
- Seminar on ‘Technology and development: the contribution of OER‘ at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, 9th May 2012.
- Participating in the CTO and UNESCO Chair in ICT4D debate at ICTD2012 in Atlanta on mobiles, social media and democracy (challenging – at the last minute I had to argue against what I really thought!), 15th March 2012
- Moderating the youth session on social media at the CTO’s e-Gov Africa conference in Botswana, 6th March 2012
- Participating in the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) debate on ‘Mobile learning for the hard to reach‘, 3rd November 2011, Doha
- Contribution to the WSIS 2015 review – interviewed by the Knowledge Societies Division of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO
- Interviewed at the WSIS Forum 2011 on 18th May 2011
- Chairing the High Level Dialogue on Cybersecurity at the WSIS Forum, 18th May 2011 held at the ILO
- Chairing the Opening Ceremony and High Level Plenary at the WSIS Forum, 16th May 2011 held at the ILO
- Responding to questions about ICT4D in Africa in the RGS-IBG 21st Century Challenges series on digital technology in Africa, May 2011
- Lecture at Peking University on 12th April 2011, entitled “Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D): a journey of understanding“
- Keynote address on “Balancing Democracies” at the “Commonwealth, Human Rights and Development” conference held at Cumberland Lodge from 11th-13th March 2011,
- Keynote on “The role of e-learning in fostering development“, at the Rethinking Education in the Knowledge Society conference held in Monte Verità, Switzerland, on 10th March 2011
- Interviewed by Florian Sturm about my role as Chair of the ICTD2010 conference held at Royal Holloway, University of London, 13th-16th December 2010 (Part 1, Part 2)
- Marieme Jamme met Professor Tim Unwin, December 2010
- My overview of the session I moderated on “Appraising the Impact of ICTs” at the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Doha, 8th December 2010
- Interviewed by Oliver Hanschke at “ICT for Rural Economic Development” conference in Berlin 19th November 2010
- m4Development: critical reflections at mLife conference, Brighton, 28th October 2010
- Overview of the ICT4D Collective for Royal Holloway, University of London’s, new web-site, September 2010
Before 2010
- In programme on ICT4D on Voxafrica’s Shoot the Messenger on 16th August 2009
- Participating as a mudfish in Mary McPalm’s story told at UCAD in Senegal, May 2009 – as Mary says, “the important part is the participation”
- Thoughts on e-Learning Africa 2009
- @ Africa Gathering, interviewed by Jonathan Marks 25th April 2009
- Interview with Clint Rogers about the ICT4D book as an introduction to a video conference session to be held with his students across the world, 23rd April 2009
- Keynote on “Partnerships and post-constructivist education in development practice” at UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Fifth International Seminar (Teaser), Barcelona, November 2008
- Interviewed by Jon Gregson on Imfundo, partnerships and the origins of the ICT4D Collective
- Part of plenary session at e-Learning Africa in Addis Ababa, 2006